It seems that regular Steam users will be able to enjoy Metro Exodus without problems starting this month. As announced by the official account of the title itself, Metro Exodus will arrive at Steam on February 15, 2020. 

This concludes the period of exclusivity that had the title with the Epic Games Store, since remember that this was one of the great exclusives of the Epic Games platform. Good news, right?

And speaking of Metro Exodus, do not forget that yesterday we announced the new titles that would arrive on the Xbox Game Pass in February. It included the DLC of this latest work of A4 Games, Sam’s Story (or Sam’s Story).

As you can read on the expansion website,”Sam has always dreamed of returning to his homeland and perhaps finding his family alive. Perspective seemed impossible in the dark tunnels of the Metro, but when the Spartans they discovered that Moscow was not the only city in which there were still survivors after the war, keeping hope no longer felt so silly. “

“Sam walks away from Aurora in search of a way back to the United States, reaching the remains of the ports devastated by the Vladivostok tsunami, ruined industrial buildings and ruined residential neighborhoods. To complete his trip, Sam will discover that he will have to take advantage of all the tactics he has learned so far to survive, since his environment is much more complicated than expected. “